Nikon HB-7 hood for camera 80-200 2.8D


  • Perfectly fitting.
  • Unbreakable bayonet catch
  • High-quality
  • Lens filters can of course still be used.
Availability: Out of stock SKU: NGPKLENSHOODNFILTER010


The Nikon HB-7 hood for camera 80-200 2.8D is essential to your Nikon system. Your photos will have good contrast and color saturation if you use of lens hood in photography on stray light and reduce flare.

Camera Lens Description 8
Maximum Focal Length 200 mm
Minimum Focal Length 80 mm
Lens Design Zoom


Hoods are also part of the value shock absorption if your lens is accidentally damaged. Mount a bayonet for added security.Always wear hoods for camera lenses when shooting. Even indoors or dark outside, stray light may enter your lens from the front, reducing the contrast in your picture. Using a lens hood has the added benefit of protecting the lens’ front element.

This Lens Hood for camera is designed to prevent unwanted stray light from entering the lens by extending and shading the end of the lens. No vignetting will show with the hood on. With the extended lens end, you will also benefit from extra protection from accidental impact. It replaces original lens hood.


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